WHY PARTICIPATE? We welcome faculty partners who are excited about experiential learning, collaboration, and student-engaged research. SNAPS members have access to several benefits, including access to: lesson plans to be used in your classroom, pathogen sampling training materials and supplies, SNAPS-wide data, and a global network of teacher-scholars.
JOIN! If you have read about how SNAPS works and have decided you’d like to join our team, you’re in the right place. Joining SNAPS means being an active part of a network that provides learning opportunities for students while collecting critical data on amphibian pathogens.
Recruitment for the 2024 academic year is closed. If you are interested in being on the list for future years, please fill out the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeAd8ewanuy_ZINwdFBzK5WsTh9LLMwzrBLHfEgclIZ6nVVtg/viewform. Please contact Megan Winzeler (mwinzeler@usgs.gov) with any questions.